Anatomy of the Eye

Disease of the cornea
The older an eye becomes, the greater the risk of increased off-flowing resistance of the intraocular fluid and the greater the intraocular pressure grows (picture 1: Production and off-flow of the intraocular fluid). This will lead to inner-eye cerebrovascular insufficiency of the nervus opticus after a very short time. No particular symptoms are noted in the early stages of this disease. If the visual field of such an eye is reduced, it will be automatically be compensated for by the other eye, so that the damage is not noticed. But sooner or later, a larger part of vision will be destroyed, and this can even lead to total blindness in this eye.

Therapy: Medication can improve the off-flow and/or reduce the production of intraocular fluid and lead to myosis of the pupil. Apart from this, the tissue between the cornea and the iris can be enlarged with the help of a laser. This reduces the dangerous intraocular pressure.